ai content detector khai mạc euro năm 2024 GPTZero is a tool that detects AI text from major AI models, such as ChatGPT, GPT4, Gemini, and LLaMa. It provides advanced insights, writing feedback, plagiarism check, and integrations for classrooms and workspaces
saika Saika Kawakita Japanese: 河北彩花, born 24 April 1999 is a Japanese AV idol. She made her debut in 2018, and temporarily retired in March 2019. She later resumed her career in July 2021 and has been active since. She is currently signed to the S1 No. 1 Style label, under the Hokuto Corporation
rara anzai 安齋拉拉 (安齋らら/あんざいらら Anzai Rara)(前藝名: 宇都宮紫苑, RION,英文: Shion Utsunomiya,1994年3月1日 —),出生於 日本 京都府, 日本AV女優。 為 S1 旗下 女優,所屬於8MAN事務所。 2013年9月7日,在 S1 以新人NO.1STYLE 宇都宮しをんAVデビューAV 初登場 1,就一舉拿下了日本影音娛樂網站DMM所公布的2013年下半年的銷售排行榜「月間女優」與「月間DVD」的雙料冠軍 2。 2014年4月,以「安齋拉拉」名義在日本週刊Playboy上連載全裸寫真 3。 同年9月,暫別 AV 界。