apple worm đồng hồ apple In today’s game, your goal will be to get to the other end unharmed. It won’t be easy though, since there’s a drop between the black hole and you. If you mess up, you have to try again. Eat the apple standing in your way, so that you can extend your worm. After that you have to get into the hole
an apple a day keep the doctor away “Eat an apple on going to bed, and you will keep the doctor from earning his bread.” William Thomas Fernie 1830-1914, a British Doctor of Medicine, gave scientific backing to what he called “a modern maxim” in The History and Capabilities of Herbal Simples
check apple Trang Checkcoverage cho phép bạn kiểm tra nhanh chóng trạng thái bảo hành của Apple cho các sản phẩm như iPhone, iPad, Apple Watch, Macbook… Ngoài ra, bạn còn có một số phương pháp khác để check bảo hành của Apple