boku no hero boku no misaki My Hero Academia 僕 ぼく のヒーローアカデミア Boku no Hīrō Akademia? is a manga series serialized by Shonen Jump and written by Kohei Horikoshi. The series has been adapted into an anime series and three movies, as well as spawning the prequel series Vigilantes and spinoffs: School Briefs and Team-Up Missions
boku misaki sensei Boku to Misaki-sensei: Dirigido por Akio Takami. Con Aikawa Kei, Fujisaki Sayaka. Shota schoolboy falling love with his teacher, Misaki-sensei, who simply cannot resist the temptation
boku no yayoi Hardcore NTR Link: The DoujinshiManga Lexicon Fast forward to the present, Hiro's feelings for Yayoi is brighter than ever. Will he be able to confess his feelings towards her?