conan movie 27 motchill conan 771 Detective Conan: The Million-Dollar Pentagram: Directed by Chika Nagaoka. With Banjô Ginga, Hikaru Hanada, Tomoe Hanba, Megumi Hayashibara. The "truth" hidden in the sword cuts through the dark night and leads us under the moon
truyện conan Truyện Conan mới nhất, nơi đăng các bản dịch truyện tranh Thám tử lừng danh Conan mới nhất cho các fan đọc truyện Conan miễn phí ^^!
conan movie 12 A 2008 anime film about a serial killer who uses musical instruments to trigger bombs. Conan and Ran try to stop him and reveal his connection to a young pianist and his fiancée