dark blue dark gathering anime Learn about the hexadecimal color #00008b, also known as dark blue, and its RGB, CMYK, HSL, HSV and other values. See how it looks as text, background, border and in color schemes, shades, tints and tones
the dark knight rises Inception's Marion Cotillard and Joseph Gordon-Levitt join the cast regulars along with Anne Hathaway as Selina Kyle aka Catwoman and Tom Hardy as the powerful villain Bane. Christian Bale prowls the night as the Caped Crusader, fighting crime and corruption with the help of Michael Caine, Morgan Freeman and Gary Oldman
donnie darko A sci-fi film about a boy who travels through time and saves the world from a doomsday. Learn about the tangent universe, the artifact, the living, and the philosophy of time travel from the fictional book and the film