even as a child nga was very epic seven 1. Even as a child, Nga was very _____. She always preferred to do things by herself. 2. She knows how to set her own learning goals and create good _____ to achieve them. 3. Children can earn their parents' _____ by being honest with them. 4. Learners can boost their _____ by completing tasks and solving problems on their own. 5
prevenar 13 Loại vắc-xin này có chứa 13 chủng vi khuẩn S. pneumoniae. Prevenar 13 có thể giúp phòng ngừa các bệnh: viêm màng não, viêm phổi, viêm tai giữa, nhiễm trùng máu và các bệnh khác do phế cầu khuẩn gây ra
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