fear the walking dead on time Fear the Walking Dead is an American post-apocalyptic horror drama television series created by Robert Kirkman and Dave Erickson for AMC. It is a spin-off to The Walking Dead, which is based on the comic book series of the same name by Kirkman, Tony Moore, and Charlie Adlard
ryan kavanaugh Ryan Kavanaugh is the founder of Relativity Media and Proxima Media, and a pioneer in Hollywood financing. He is also a venture capitalist, a volunteer and a philanthropist who supports various causes
tactics for listening Tactics for Listening là bộ sách luyện nghe IELTS từ cơ bản đến nâng cao, bao gồm 3 trình độ: Basic, Developing, Expanding. Bộ sách có hơn 400 file nghe về những tình huống thông dụng hàng ngày, giúp các bạn tăng cường kỹ năng nghe tiếng Anh