gojo gojo satoru chibi In Jujutsu Kaisen, Gojo takes the same role but mentors the student Yuji Itadori who suffers a similar Curse, helping him become stronger while protecting other characters in the series. Gojo was designed by Gege Akutami to be a formidable yet endearing figure who is passionate about his students
gojo vs sukuna Gojo showcased his immense power throughout the fight and seemed to have the upper hand, but in the end, Sukuna's new technique, aided by Mahoraga, resulted in Gojo's defeat and death
gojo 1/2 meme Các fan manga anime đang cười méo mặt khi thấy Gojo Satoru bị chia làm 2 bởi Sukuna trong chap 236. Cộng đồng mạng đã đăng tải nhiều hình ảnh meme hài hước về sự ra đi của thầy, liên quan đến những nhân vật khác trong các manga, anime khác