joshi luck joshiochi Joshi Luck!: Directed by Ken Raika. With Yuji Otori, Shiomi Akua, Marika Tanaka, Hana Kuga. Teacher, Kuroda Koutarou is tasked with advising the girls' lacrosse club. While on duty he unintentionally peeps on the girls changing and is caught
joshi luck Kuroda Koutarou is the manager of the girl’s lacrosse team. He is inside the changing room one day by accident and the girls find him, bind him up, and force him to cum. He also loses the keys to the club’s room
joshi ochi GOODSAnimeFestaオリジナル メンズ・青年ジャンルの主題歌集が発売決定! TVアニメ「じょしおちっ! 」公式サイト。 上から女の子が降ってきて・・・の広告でおなじみ! 鳩こんろ原作の大人気デジタルコミックが待望のアニメ化! TOKYO MX、ComicFestaアニメZONEにて2018年7月放送開始!