magical girl dip Magical girl 魔法少女, mahō shōjo is a subgenre of Japanese fantasy media centered around young girls who use magic, often through an alter ego into which they can transform. Since the genre's emergence in the 1960s, media including anime , manga , OVAs , ONAs , films, and live-action series have been produced
pineapple Pineapple is a very common fruit in Vietnam, used directly or processed into smoothies, juices, or canned in the form of slices or pieces. This fruit is also a great ingredient for cooking. Pineapple has eye nods all over, yellow flesh, sweet and sour taste and high organic acid content
high school return of a gangster tập 1 High School Return of a Gangster 2024: Kim Deuk Pal là một tay trùm xã hội đen 47 tuổi, là kẻ đứng thứ 2 trong băng đảng của hắn. Anh ấy không có nền tảng học vấn do cha mẹ nghèo,