marriage nowadays is a choice a lot of people think that marriage Marriage nowadays is a choice people make on their own, but this has not always been the case in society. Thousands of years ago, the average lifespan was shorter than it is today. A man usually lived until he was about 40 years old, while women died even sooner because of childbirth
marriage Learn what marriage is, why it is important, and how it varies across cultures and history. Explore the characteristics, benefits, and legal aspects of different types of marriages
my happy marriage Miyo Saimori là đứa trẻ bất hạnh trong một cuộc hôn nhân sắp đặt không tình yêu. Sau khi mẹ cô qua đời, cha cô mang theo người tình và con gái riêng của bà, Kaya. Kể từ đó, cuộc sống của Miyo chỉ còn là một người hầu