more than a married couple blackmore Partnering up for a high school project with your crush is a dream, but what if it’s with someone you can’t stand and the project is marriage? That’s what Jirō Yakuin and gyaru, Akari
whitmore Bệnh Whitmore là bệnh truyền nhiễm do vi khuẩn Burkholderia pseudomallei gây ra, chủ yếu xảy ra ở các nước khí hậu nhiệt đới. Bệnh này có thể gây ra nhiễm trùng cục bộ, phổi, máu, lan truyền và khiến người bị bệnh mất cân, chán, suy hô hấp, đau khớp, đau đầu, đau cơ hoặc kh
more than a married couple High school student Jirō Yakuin has a crush on his childhood friend Shiori Sakurazaka, but the school has implemented a couples training 夫婦実習, Fūfu jisshū program, which has the students develop social skills on interacting with a partner as if they were married, and they are judged heavily on how well they work together