summer time saga 500 days of summer vietsub Set in a small suburban town, a young man just entering college is struck by the death of his father. Mysterious circumstances surrounding the death are only the beginning of his adventures as he learns that his father was in debt to a group of shady criminals
500 days of summer 500 Days Of Summer là bộ phim tình cảm xoay quanh câu chuyện tình yêu của Summer Finn - một cô gái xinh xắn với mái tóc đen tự nhiên kiểu cổ điển,
summer ghost Summer Ghost Japanese: サマーゴースト, Hepburn: Samā Gōsuto is a Japanese animated short film produced by Flat Studio and directed by Loundraw ja. It was released in Japanese theaters on November 12, 2021