there is a steady of young there has been a hot debate - A: drift n sự trôi nổi, sự trôi dạt; sự di chuyển ồ ạt; stampede n sự chạy toán loạn do kinh sợ; hành động bộc phát, hành động bộc phát; current n dòng nước; luồng không khí, gió; motion n sự vận động, sự chuyển động, sự di động
there are a lot of 'There are a lot of' is used when referring to a plural noun, while 'There is a lot of' is used when referring to a singular noun. The choice between 'are' and 'is' depends on the number of the noun being described
there was a man who had four sons There was a man who had four sons. He wanted his sons to learn not to judge things too quickly. So he sent them each on a quest, in turn, to go and look at a pear tree a great distance away