twenty one pilots twenty five Twenty One Pilots ais an American musical duo from Columbus, Ohio. Initially a band, the group was formed in 2009 by lead vocalist Tyler Joseph along with Nick Thomas and Chris Salih, who both left in 2011. Since their departure, the line-up has consisted of Joseph and drummer Josh Dun
twenty twenty Twenty Twenty là câu chuyện thanh xuân muôn màu rực rỡ với dàn trai xinh gái đẹp luôn đau đầu tìm cách trưởng thành. Nếu bạn đã từng mê mẩn bộ phim A-Teen do Han Soo Ji đạo diễn thì không nên bỏ qua tác phẩm mới lên sóng gần đây của cô, đó là Twenty Twenty - câu chuyện dành cho tuổi teen miêu tả về tuổi hai mươi
twenty She practised medicine for twenty years before she became a writer. She was only twenty when she had her first baby. If I look flustered it's because I'm trying to do about twenty things at once