what a lovely house you have what makes a good leader Peter "What a lovely house you have!" - Bạn có một cái nhà thật đẹp! - đây là một lời khen. Laura: _____ Đối với những lời khen hay chúc mừng, câu trả lời thường là cám ơn, theo mẫu sau: Thank you/ Thanks + lời mời/ lời nói khách sáo
what a day what a day 是什么意思? It means you had an interesting day or a day where you had so many things to do. Today, I had three meetings, 4 appointments, and had to finished my 2 exams before class. What a day. 这个答案有帮助吗? 嗯... 0 'What a day' may be an informal expression commonly used - meaning that he or she may be tired, or that day may be overwhelming
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